2014.3.12 06:20/ Jun
かつて、たしか20年前のくらいの論文で、著者はLucy Suchman だったと思うのですが、航空管制のエスノグラフィーを書いた論文を思い出しました(違ったかな)。この光景は、状況論を研究なさっている方は、きっと好きだろうな、と思いました。
Life-long OJT of Air Traffic Controllers
Some days ago, I visited Haneda airport to observe how air traffic controllers work so as to write an article in a professional human resource development magazine.
As you know, the purpose of air traffic control is to direct aircraft safely, provide advisory services and information to pilots in order to avoid collisions of aircrafts and maintain the flow of aircraft in the air. Their training begins in the classroom for 1 year, after that they transferred to various airports all over Japan. Although classroom training is important, the core element of human resource development of air traffic controllers is “life long OJT(On-The Job Training)” in the control tower. The term “life-long” may sound strange to you. Generally, OJT is done for short periods only when new comers enter the organization. So, when you hear the word of “life long OJT”, it feels so strange.
However, when an air traffic controller is transferred from one airport to another airport, he/she has to learn some specific knowledge of the area and its weather through OJT. Even if he/she is already a skillful and experienced air traffic controller, if he/she is transferred to another airport, he/she has to learn specific knowledge from other air traffic controllers who have worked for a long time in that area. OJT continues for one to two years.
An air traffic controller who has been transferred from another area, and doesn’t have specific knowledge of the new area, has to work with an experienced air traffic controller(Watcher) who stands beside the new comer for 1 year. The watcher has to monitor what the new air traffic controller does. If a risky situation occurs, which the new comer cannot deal with, The watcher has to break into the conversation between the newcomer and pilot and take control of the operation. The most impressive point for me is that an experienced air traffic controller has to relearn from scratch every time they are transferred to another area. His / her position is reversed. That is the reason why I use “life long OJT”. If you work as a trainer in one airport and you are transferred to another airport, you will be a trainee. Sometimes the trainer – trainee age pattern is reversed. A younger experienced controller has to train an older controller who was transferred recently. I think this is the most impressive point. Generally, once a newcomer becomes a trainer, he/she does not return to a newcomer position again. However air traffic controllers need highly specific knowledge of the area and weather where they work. They have to relearn these things as a novice when they are transferred to another airport. Air traffic controllers switch roles of trainer and trainee during their whole career. That is called “life long OJT”
Generally, when we get on an aircraft, we do not think what and how air traffic controllers work. However in order to organize and maintain the flow of aircraft, the “life long OJT” is in through, continuous use.
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